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Enterprise Security Protocols - What is it and why is it so important?


Business security protocols are documents thatcontain the steps to follow for the security processes in the company. It takesinto account all the risk variables that may affect the company, and theguidelines to be followed.   

 Security protocols ensure that the work carried outunder these regulations is more effective security camera installation. Thatis, all the security variables that can affect the processes are established,establishing uniform measures for critical action. 

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Itsimportance to the company   

The protocols are created taking into account thedifferent needs of the company, and what is its focus within it. That is, thedifferent protocols are developed based on the different events or events thatmay occur in the company.   

Thus, within a company different security protocolscan coexist, such as the evacuation of personnel in case of fire. It alsoincludes those related to security to avoid work accidents, a cyber attack onaccounting areas, among others.   

These protocols contain the regulations to alwaysfollow from the point of view of prevention. They are oriented to avoid thepossible risk, and that the danger contained within that risk, can come true ormaterialize.   


Protecting the company from all the risks that canbe carried out due to an attack can have a very high cost. For this reason, theprotocols are prepared under certain premises to include the risks to whichthey may be exposed.   

It is a way of promoting a culture of prevention,establishing in advance the procedures to follow to deal with events. Theseevents can endanger the safety of personnel, managers, materials or structures.   

For these reasons, corporate security protocols area shared responsibility for the vigilance of the company, employees, owners andmanagers. Everyone is responsible for establishing a safe environment, adaptedto prevent different risks.   

Each company in particular has vulnerabilities thatare its own, based on geographic location, products that it produces, amongothers. But generally, business security protocols should include 4 basicpoints:   

· Surveillance system through alarms and security cameras. 

· Duly trained security personnel 

· Selection of specially trained employees 

· An inviolable prevention software to protect thecompany's accounting information   

How areenterprise security protocols applied?   

Having enterprise security protocols is important,but just having them is not enough. The alarm and video system must beperiodically tested, and be placed in strategic places, covering the entirearea of ​​the company.   

Security guards must be trusted or hired from asecurity agency with proven experience in the field. They must not only monitorthe company and employees, but also know what to do in a contingency.   

The computer security keys must be protected and ingood hands, and be changed periodically. Many companies have been harmed bycyber attacks of employees who have been fired, and knew the passwords.   

Investing in security software is essential toprevent these attacks and others from outside. The data requiring protection. Contracts,bank account numbers and documentation are the economic base of the company,and must be protected.   

Within the security of the company, Access Control in Chicago is amatter of special care. Having a good high-tech system to protect the income ofstaff and other people is just as important, as the protocol itself.   

Also the restricted areas of the company must bemonitored, and must be included in the security protocol. For these specificareas, technology provides more sophisticated access controls, such as security system installation.   

What is anoccupational safety protocol?   

Accidents can occur within a company, and whenthese include workers, the costs can be significant. To minimize these costs,the occupational safety protocol is developed.   

The development of this type of protocol isimportant for the following reasons:   

· Increases the quality of life of employees andtheir loyalty to the company. 

· The worker feels safe working in a place withsafety regulations. You feel more relaxed and therefore your performanceimproves, as well as your motivation. 

· It improves the image of the company, from aninternal and external point of view. With a high level of prevention, workersand suppliers increase their confidence. 

· Security in the different segments of thecompany, attracts valuable personnel to the company   

One of the points to take into account in businesssecurity protocols is the training of employees. All workers must know therisks that their position implies, and how they must act to avoid them.   

Obviously, the investment for prevention throughcorporate security protocols is to turn the company into a competitiveorganization. In other words, it is a good way to strengthen the foundations ofthe company and consolidate its growth.