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Electronic security: See 3 tips and find out why it's so important.


We will talk more in this text about whatelectronic security is, the search for professionals and companies in thissector and 3 tips for investing in this segment.   

What iselectronic security?  

Electronic security is the application ofinformation and communication technologies to physical security mechanisms. 

 Therefore, it should not be confused with computersecurity, dedicated to protecting our data and privacy on the Internet.   

Electronicsecurity: segment is on the rise   

More and more people are realizing that security isnot an expense but an investment.   

In commerce, many customers prefer to visit safespaces, which give them all the guarantees to shop or enjoy pleasant and safemoments with their family. Therefore, companies that bet on electronic security have a huge differential.   

In addition to comfort and convenience for yourcustomers, electronic security is a great protection tool. An establishmentthat has an electronic protection system discourages criminals from committing burglaries or other crimes.   

A preventivesecurity system has some variations, including:   

· Alarm systems; 

· Face identification cameras; 

· License plate identification cameras for accesscontrol; 

· Fire alarms; 

· video surveillance solutions; 

· Biometric control.   

Electronicsecurity: effective solution   

Today, criminals have become bolder and target themost profitable companies.   

That's why I recommend that you look for formalsecurity companies that have good diagnostic processes and have a specializedtechnical team to implement your security project.   

Below we list 3 tips of important items that can beimplemented in your business or residence:   


This is the most traditional item when it comes tosecurity. When thinking about locks, padlocks or traditional locks come tomind. Therefore, this was one of the first focuses of this technologicalevolution.   

Today it is possible to find locks in the marketthat do not require the use of keys and for some models it is possible to openthem remotely using a cell phone.   

Smart locks are invisible from the outside, so theycannot be forced, the owner can always control it using a smartphone or otherdevices with an Internet connection.   

Also, smart locks are self-closing. That way, evenif we leave the door open, it will close by itself. Isn't it great?   

2.Wirelessconnection systems   

Although wiring systems have been the most commonin security systems, there are currently different wireless alternatives.   

In this way, we save the need to drill into thewalls, using a large amount of cables for installation. Its installation doesnot require a large infrastructure.    Thanks to this technology, an evolution has beenachieved in securitycamera installation in Chicago, with wirelessequipment to view your property live from an Internet-connected device such asyour smartphone. This gives you a lot of freedom, because how often do we not travel and worry that everything is fine at home? Or are we unsure if the neighbors are really going every day to see if everything is in order?   

3.Electronic sensors   

Electronic sensors are devices that can activatethe alarm system in an emergency.   

Specifically, contact sensors are designed to alertyou when windows are broken or a door is opened without authorization.   

Additionally, these sensors can be programmed toinitiate a video recording, notify the owner, or call the police directly.   

They are indispensable components for a good alarm system in Chicago. Theirinstallation, calibration and configuration are as important as the equipmentitself.   

Well, worse than not having a security system, it'shaving one that doesn't work, and oddly enough, the owner often doesn't know.That's why pay attention when purchasing your equipment and hiring a technician who will install it.   

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