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Main security solutions for companies

The installation of security solutions is an indispensable requirement in any company today. Having the necessary control systems to ensure the integrity of the facilities and products, as well as the well-being of the workers, is a mandatory guarantee for the proper development of the company.

Keys to business security solutions

Whichever system is chosen to improve the security of a company, it is essential that it has the following characteristics to guarantee its efficiency and offer good results:

Have elements of innovative technology that can be combined to offer the highest possible efficiency.

Be discreet to avoid easy detection of your installation. In this way, possible offenders are surprised.

Security solutions for companies: types and benefits

Knowing the different security solutions for companies that can be found in the market today allows us to choose the most appropriate for each business.

Alarms are one of the most classic security systems when it comes to preventing intrusions in an establishment at any time of the day or night. The evolution of technology has meant that today these systems can even be customized and adapted to the needs of each user.

The systems remote control allows us to know what happens inside the business or home via mobile screen 24 hours of the day. In this way, we can call the police if we detect a dangerous situation at any time.

Physical surveillance guarantees access to the premises for only those authorized persons. Its effectiveness is even greater when the presence of guards is combined with other technological control systems, such as alarms.

Video surveillance control systems reduce possible surprise attacks, making it difficult for a person to enter without being discovered. Whether they are daytime or thermal, they allow images to be sent in real time to a control center so that the necessary protocol is activated at all times.

Another advantage of this type of device is that the recordings are saved for a certain period of time . Therefore, they can be consulted and even presented as evidence if necessary.

The control centers complement these security solutions, since they have professionals who monitor a company 24 hours a day. They will notify the police as soon as they detect that an accident may be occurring. On many occasions, they are supplemented with an intervention and custody service . That is to say, sending guards urgently so that they can deal with intruders.

Establishing access control points allows people who want to enter a company to identify themselves. Therefore, it is also a security option that reduces the possibility of intrusions.

Likewise, you can choose to hire a comprehensive security system, tailored to the needs of each company.

Aspects to consider when choosing a security system for your company

What are the best security systems in Chicago for your company? This question does not have a correct answer a prior, because each business has its own characteristics and facilities. In any case, in all cases it is necessary that the chosen security solutions comply with three fundamental aspects: deterrence, detection and final action.

Deterrence is the first line of protection and, in many cases, it is enough to prevent an incident from occurring. Regarding the detection elements, it is important to have access control, motion detectors and video surveillance systems that can continue to function even in the event of power outages, telephone sabotage or the use of frequency jammers.

Likewise, the installation of control systems with smart keys must also be taken into account to ensure that the right people can overcome access control from a safe place and prevent the entry of intruders.

Analytics video for companies

Video analytics is specific software whose algorithms obtain information from the recorded content in real time . In this way, it is possible to react to any incident threat quickly and send the corresponding intrusion alert even before it is carried out. Therefore, it complements previously installed security systems and improves their effectiveness.

Getstealth video analytics are tailored to the specific needs of each company to improve their security solutions. So much so that Getstealth has specific solutions for different sectors such as maritime, veterinary, airports, mining, etc. If you want more information about it, you can contact us.